Have you ever has one of those times in your life when you felt like everything was caving in around you? Well, I am there! This has been the most stressful month so far this year. Work is crazy, the studio has orders coming out the ying yang, my husband and I have has several interviews with a church and they have presented him as their candidate for pastor, my house is a wreck and now there is another wonderful storm headed our way. Oh, yeah and Barrack Obama is officially my least favorite presidential candidate ever! Seriously - If I thought you people wouldn't come looking for me I just might run away this weekend. But, fortunately I have such a wonderful husband family that you would all come and find me and bring me back to the nut house so I think I'll just stick it out on my own!
Oh yeah, things are crazy - but life is still good, right? Right. Because I know that the "LORD my God is in my midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over me with gladness, He will quiet me with His love and He will exult over me with loud singing!" (Zephaniah 3:17) Meaning, He will save me from all of this madness while rejoicing over me. He will quiet me and give me a peace about the craziness I am in and He will sing over me - loudly! Of course the loudly part is because I am talking so loud trying to tell Him all my troubles, so He has to speak up in order for me to hear Him. But the point is that He does it - faithfully everytime I find myself in this place! That my friends is love. A love that I wish I could show to those around me. A love that I wish others would show themselves. And ultimately a love that I do not deserve, yet He gracefully extends it to me each day I put my hope in Him. So yeah, things are crazy, but I know the Peace.
Why am I blabbing all of this now? Well, I know there are a few of you who check this blog with frequency and I wanted you to know that I am still here. I do have lots to share.... like my family reunion in Arkansas, our vacation to Jacksonville and tons more. Hopefully I will be able to catch up on a few things this weekend share with you next week. But until then.... hakuna matata!