Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where in the world is Woodland, Mississippi?

This past Friday I traveled to Woodland, Mississippi, with my friend Lane. We were on the hunt for furniture to complete Lane's new house which should be finished (we hope) by the end of the year. So, having seen the commercials and listened to everyone rave about this furniture store in Woodland, we decided to go check it out for ourselves.

I got directions to the store and we set out after lunch on our adventure. We traveled the lonely highways of Clay County and just really enjoyed the quietness of the country life that surrounded us. Little did we know what lay ahead of us.... enter the town of Woodland. After 60 miles of country goodness we were greeted by the quaint little town of Woodland, Mississippi. Now, there isn't anything there except the furniture store, a cafe, and a few gas stations, but this place has southern charm written all over it. Below are just a few examples of what we found on every corner, in every yard and standing in any open spot along the way. Just wanted to share their creativity with you and brighten your day with a bit of Fall goodness! hakuna Matata...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It finally feels like fall in Mississippi. Well, today it feels more like winter and my husband informed me that it has been cool for several weeks now. Obviously this Mississippi girl and her Florida boy disagree on the meaning of "cool"! However, the high for today is a fabulous 55 degrees and I couldn't be happier.... jeans and sweatshirts here I come!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


We're all waiting for something... graduation, marriage, children, a new adventure, retirement, ... etc. We wait and we wait and too often that's all we do. We sit and wait for one thing while the world keeps moving around us. We get so focused in the waiting that we cease to be effective in any other area of our lives. The point - it's what we do in the waiting that counts.

Right now Jon and I are waiting. Waiting to get out of debt. Waiting for me to figure out exactly what it is I want to do with my life. Waiting to move to Kentucky for Jon to go back to Seminary. Waiting to have children (or adopt). We wait quite a lot at the Bradberry house! But, I pray that we won't be so caught up in waiting for these things that we are no longer "involved" in day to day life. There is so much to be done, so much to see, so much to experience even now. We may not have everything we want (heck, we're not even close), but it's what we do with what we have that makes a life. More importantly, it's how we serve - how we worship in the waiting that matters. While I'm waiting I want to worship, I want to serve, Iwant to continue running the race.

The above video is a clip from the movie Fireproof that I mentioned several weeks ago. The song playing is from John Waller called "While I'm Waiting". I picked up John Waller's CD in October of last year after hearing him on tour with Casting Crowns. This song was immediately my favorite on the CD. It has ministered to me time after time and here it is again in such a transitional time in our lives. It's placement in the movie was perfect and I was once again reminded that our lives don't have to be void in the waiting. Though the movie and this video is about a specific situation the message of the song can be applied to any area of your life. I pray that you will be encouraged today as you listen.

One last thing before I go... did I mention that Fireproof is an awesome movie??? I have seen it twice and would gladly see it a thousand times and take all those willing to go. If you have not seen it yet, please go - take your spouse or significant other and go! The message of hope is a powerful one and this movie is dripping with hope for a successful marriage and more importantly hope for salvation, as the Gospel is so clearly presented. It was all a welcome reminder to this weary soul. I have been blessed beyond measure in having a wonderful husband and a strong marriage, but it did not come without trial nor will it continue without tough days. However, together we can fireproof our marriage... as Michael says in the movie, "Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." (Thank you Jon for giving this Mississippi girl a chance and for waiting with me! I love you MORE!)

Hakuna Matata for the weekend!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're so easily distracted, so consumed with the small stuff, but right now God has our attention. He is shouting to us. What is it that He wants us to hear? How will our hearts be affected?
CS Lewis
Friends and family we have a big task ahead... called the 2009 Presidential Election. I am praying that we will hear what He wants us to hear and be affected by the shape of our nation. May our hearts break for those who do not know His peace and those who cannot find His way. May God shout to us in our pain until we listen and seek only Him for refuge and strength in the days to come.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Catch-up Day Two

Yes! That is SCC and Smitty together on a poster and on tour... and yes, I went to see them this past weekend!!! I am a life-long fan of these guys and the fact that (after 20 years of them making "records" and being the two biggest names in Christian Contemporary music) they have finally gone on tour together is awesome!
united tour
The concert was certainly one for the history books and for me - my all-time #2 favorite now. (Second only to the Steven Curtis Chapman tour with Steve Saint and Mincaye that I posted about here). Both Michael W. and Steven put on an amazing show and even performed together quite a bit throughout the night. Did I mention that it was AWESOME!?!?!
united tour
So, I went with 6 of my best friends... some old, some new. Of course Jon was there and had no problem making fun of me throughout the night for acting like a 12 year old girl :) Our friends Rob and Gayla came along as well as a few of my oldest and dearest friends, Karen, Manny and Neil. We left Columbus early and headed to the Galleria in Birmingham to do a little shopping and have dinner before the concert - had a great time there too.... you would've sworn we were still back in the Youth Group and this was our "regular" stop on the way to some event. Acting silly, playing on the escalators, giggling as we walked past Spencer's! The day certainly brought back memories of the childhood I was so fortunate to have!
united tour
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the night....
united tour
Me & JB.... (and yes, I know it looks like I only have one boob - but it's the only decent picture we took!)

The Gang (minus Manny)

Manny modeling the curtains in the BJCC

Me & Karen

Smitty and SCC sharing a hug (this photo taken by John Price Photo)

Smitty and SCC performing together

Our tickets and the part of the set list!!!

That's all for now... hakuna matata!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hello blog!

(Jonboy watching the Alabama/Ole Miss game Saturday.... doggone Rebels just couldn't pull it out!)

Hello blog, it's me, Ashley! I know I've been away, but I am here today. There's never a dull moment at the Bradberry house and sometimes that means this blog gets badly neglected! So I'll try to play catch-up this week...

Fall is here and we are loving it!!! October is my very favorite month and consequently one of our busiest at home and at work. With all the craziness I did manage to finish a project... one that took me almost 3 years to finish (sorry babe!). Nan, my sweet mother-in-law found this FSU fleece for me after we moved from Jacksonville. My intention was to make Jon a "Jon-sized" blanket for his couch sittin', football watchin' self during the cool seasons. Well, I started it and decided that it was not fun and made my fingers hurt so I put it away. EveryFall without fail Jon casually mentions how nice it would be to have his very own "Jon-sized" blanket and every Fall without fail I have left it in the closet - undone. But, this weekend I finished it and here it is....

See you tomorrow... hopefully :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008