Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thankful Tuesday!

Hello all! I decided today (in the midst of an attitude problem) that I would think of things I am thankful for. I wanted to share just a few... Of course I am first and foremost thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him carrying me through each day I would be a pitiful site to see! Most days I am like Mephibosheth, crippled and unable to bring myself to the King's table, and Jesus just carries me into His presence. One of the bands in last Friday's music picks, Leeland, just recorded a song called "Carried to the Table". You can find the song on my playlist at the bottom of this page. I encourage you to give it a listen -because we were all wounded and forsaken, shattered by the fall...then carried to the table, seated where we don't belong, swept away by His love. I hope that you will all remember that this is the one thing we should all be most thankful for!

Secondly, I am thankful for a husband who loves me the way he does. Let me tell you folks... I got it good! Most days I sit and think that we (Jon & I) must be somewhat of an anomoly. All around me I hear and see couples that disrespect each other, ignore each other and wish for something or someone different. I have never felt that way! Praise God for a marriage built around Him and His love for both of us! (Thank you Baby for loving me like you do - I love you bunches!)

Okay, I promise I am almost done :) But, before I go I have to say that I am thankful for friends, old and new. Today I had lunch with one of my oldest friends. Although we don't see or talk to each other a whole lot these days, knowing that she is there and that we will always be us is so awesome. Thank you Amy D - for the good times and the bad! They all just made us stronger and maybe even a little wiser :)

Lastly, yes this is the last one. I am thankful for.............Lucy!!! Yes, I said it. I am thankful for my dog. She loves me unconditionally, is always happy to see me and guards me with her life. Silly I know, but just having those things in physical form (as opposed to Spiritual which is of course even better) does wonders for a girl! My advice - get yourself a dog :) I always told Jon that I would never allow a dog inside, never allow myself to get attached to one and never treat them like a human. Wrong! I am whipped. I am attached. I talk to her like she's a real person. And guess what, it's all worth it for that tail waggin' get over here and pet me look I get every day when I come home!

So, that's all for today's installment of The Bradberrys: Life with Lucy! Tune in tomorrow for whatever else I dream up to blog about. Until then - Chocolate milk wishes and Oreo dreams!