Thursday, December 6, 2007

More Advent Ideas!

Please excuse my lack of posting this week... I keep forgetting to upload pictures to the computer and I hate to post without pictures:)

So, today I want to share another great way to celebrate advent (the Christmas season) in your home... this one's especially good for the kiddos! It is an advent calendar. Many of you may have had something similar when you were a kid so you may know better than I how wonderful this can be. The Advent Calendar can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish... you can buy one or make one... you can use a theme or just use candy! However, the type of calendar I want to introduce is one that shares the Christmas Story. For each of the 25 days of Christmas (Dec. 1-25) there is piece of the Christmas Story to add to the "puzzle". And each of those 25 days you can share with your children and family about the true meaning of Christmas - about One Perfect Gift rather than the gifts piled under your tree. Pictured above is the Advent Calendar that I purchased last year from They are not available at this time due to the fact that they are being "revamped", but they will be back! For now, there are plenty of other places to pick one up, such as Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx, Home Store, Oriental Trading and many more. What a great way to celebrate the season all month rather that one day. Not to mention keeping your child's attention and giving them something to look forward to each day!

Christmas Blessings,
