Alright, by now you are asking yourself why you keep checking this blog because the author is not posting with any sort of regularity. So for that, let me apologize. With the new year I am truly trying to change a few things about my life and a few of those are taking quite an effort. Thus I decided not to post anew until I had my game plan nailed down.
Well, here I am, plan in hand and with a sense of joy that has long been missing. For the first time I feel that my "resolutions" are in the right order, right perspective and are coming at the right time! I begin with my list of priorities for 2008.
1. To develop and grow in godliness, beginning with the strengthening of my daily quiet time.
2. To love my family more deeply, beginning with a challenge from Titus 2 to uphold the seven virtues of a biblical woman.
3. To serve in the ministry, beginning with a clearer vision for my position in the mission office.
4. To fellowship with believers.
5. To wear Jesus Christ "on my sleeve" and share Him with non-believers.
6. To attend to my studio with more dilligence and planning.
7. To care for my health, beginning with eating healthy at home and exercising daily.
8. To share this journey with those who wish to join me, beginning by posting to this blog as a personal journal of sorts.
And there you have it. I began my journey on January 2nd and it has been an amazing one so far, to say the least. I want to take just a moment to tell you about my quiet time which had a direct effect on all of my priorities. In addition to my scripture reading and prayer, I am reading Carolyn Mahaney's book Feminine Appeal and I just want to share a passage that jumped off of the page this morning as I read...
"Our conduct has a direct influence on how people think
about the gospel. The world doesn't judge us by our theology;
the world judges us by our behavior. People don't necessarily
want to know what we believe about the Bible. They want to see
if what we believe makes a difference in our lives. Our actions
either bring honor to God or misrepresent His truth."
How true those words are! I cannot wait to read and see all of the morsels of truth that God has to show me through these renewed quiet times and reading. It is my earnest prayer that each of you would jump on board and evaluate your own list of priorities for 2008. I guarantee that if you seek Him for the order that He will greatly bless each item on the list!
See you tomorrow! Hopefully ;)
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