Well, here are the last of the Jacksonville pictures. We had such a fabulous time (as we always do) and were sad to leave.... maybe you can see why below.

Seagulls taking flight at the beach..... Lucy was all about some seagulls!

Lucy after a roll in the sand... she knew she was in trouble :)

On the road to Kingsley Plantation.... only one way in and one way out. This is a very creepy place at night, but beautiful in the daylight!

A view from the marsh at Kingsley Plantation... you can see the smoke stacks in the background if you look closely.

While we were in Jax, Danny (Jon's brother) took us to see the Tug boats he has been working on for a couple of months now. he is gone for days, sometimes weeks at a time. But it's not all bad... Puerto Rico and other vacation destinations are sometimes on the list of ports, so he gets to relax and be where the rest of us only dream about being.

Jon, me, Julie and Danny on the tug.... hope I didn't embarass Danny too bad with all my picture taking :)

Me on the boat... they wouldn't let me play with the axe.... something about emergencies only!

Julie downstairs.... these are some of the steepest stairs I've ever been on and I can't imagine climbing them with rough seas.

Danny's bunk (top one). Picture a 6'4" man climbing in and out of there!

Thankfully we didn't have to do this!

Jon in the engine room.

Looking out the porthole...

Check out the size of that rope!

Me and JB in our Tug gear... gotta love OSHA!
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