I've been thinking about Christmas a lot over the last 2 years. Yes, I said 2 years, not 2 weeks. Our world has completely commercialized the holiday season. For example, we are overly worried about the sales on Black Friday, concerned with the "Christmas Tree" vs. the "Holiday Tree", etc. etc. But what is Christmas really about? For me it is about one thing and one thing only - the birth of my Savior.
Now, I am not going to lie and say that I don't get caught up in the "Christmas Spirit" when it comes to decorating, baking, shopping and caroling - because I do! However, I am trying to be very aware of that lately. I want to celebrate the right way - not the politically correct way, not the way my family has done it for years necessarily, and not the way that others think I should. I want to treasure each day leading up to Christmas. I want to feel the joy that the Shepherds and Angels felt on that Christmas night so long ago. I want to lay my gifts at the Savior's feet and there myself lay also!
It is all too easy to fill up on all of the "Holiday Stuffing" like shopping and gift swapping, baking and partying, and all the while feeling empty as the new year rolls in. All of these things of course can be wonderful and a blessing to myself and/or others, but not if I delight in them more than I delight in HIM! John Piper explains it best when he says, "If you don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation for the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Your soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great.” The miracle of Christmas is GREAT and I want there to be plenty of room for it in my celebrations.
With all that said, I want to introduce to you one of my solutions for keeping Christmas all about the CHRIST! It is an Advent Wreath. I began this adventure last year with our church and this year will be focusing on my home more. I am posting a picture of my Advent Wreath here for you to see and I will be writing on the subject throughout the weeks to come! This is a very simple, yet exciting way for anyone to get to the heart of Christmas. So stay tuned to hear all about the season of Advent and my new Christmas traditions!

This is the beginning of my Advent celebration. The wreath has since been moved to another spot and surrounded by a Nativity Scene. For pictures and to find out what Advent is - you must come back tomorrow! See you then...