After New Years Jon and I both headed back to Dothan. He began his final Spring Semester at BCF and I began my new job in the ER. Things were finally going well. I had settled in to this new, very unexpected life and Jon was busy trying to prepare to graduate. On February 5th though things would change again…. this time it was good change! On Jon’s 29th birthday, he informed that the greatest birthday gift he could get would be if I would agree to be his wife! He came to my apartment just as I got off of work for what I thought was to get his “real” birthday gift (an XBOX). I stood there in my navy blue scrubs – not looking great I tell ya – and after he opened the XBOX he popped the question and took my ring out of his pocket. I’m pretty sure that I said yes after the shock wore off! He later told me that the jeweler had called to let him know my ring was ready so he went to pick it up. On his way home he decided he wouldn’t be able to wait and propose as he had planned, but would have to ask me immediately! How sweet! I remember everything about that night…
So, the next few weeks were great. We set the date for Jul 24, 2004, booked a honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean and began to plan our Big Day. I thought nothing could go wrong… but, something that no one can prepare for was waiting for me just around the corner. Please bare with me as I tell this next chapter. It won’t be easy and I cannot leave out detail – for my benefit and yours.
On April 1, 2004, my dad went into the hospital for a heart valve replacement surgery – open heart surgery. He was in Meridian, Mississippi and I was in Dothan. Still being the new kid on the block at the ER I had not planned on asking to be off to travel home for his surgery, but a last minute gut check told me that I needed to be with my dad. Although the doctors (and all of us for that matter) were pretty sure the surgery would be fine, I still felt the need to go and be beside him. I called Jon who came straight from school, called his work to tell him he needed to go with me to Meridian, and we drove to Mississippi. We got there just before visiting hours ended for the day. Daddy was out of surgery and in the ICU for recovery. He didn’t know I was coming and I still remember the joy that spread across his face when I walked into his room. Still on a ventilator and unable to speak, I knew what he was thinking and I was glad that I had come.
The following day, Daddy was off of the ventilator and we were able to go and spend time with him. I showed him a picture of me in my wedding dress that Momma had snapped when she came for a visit and he got to see my invitations. We laughed about him having to wear a suit for our upcoming wedding (Daddy hated wearing dress clothes). Everything was fine – or so we thought. Jon and I said our goodbyes to everyone and later that day headed back to Dothan with the promise that we would come back when Daddy got to go home. We returned to Dothan that Friday evening and I called to check on Daddy and he was doing fine, so we settled in for the night. The next morning we went about our day as usual. It was a Saturday and I didn’t have to be at work until 2:00 pm so we headed out to one of our flower girls’ ballgames. On the way there I called and checked on Daddy and he sounded good. We talked for a little while and then I told him I would call again that night to check in. That was the last time I ever heard my Daddy’s voice. The previous day became the last time I would ever see him.
Jon walked through the doors of the emergency room that evening with a look on his face that I’ll never forget. He had come to tell me that my Daddy was gone. The doctors said that a blood clot gone to the heart caused his death. It was quick and unexpected. He was 49 years old. Long story short, my co-workers gathered my things for me, called the boss, sent us out the door and we drove that night back to Meridian to be with my family. Just 3 short months before he was to give me a way…
I tell you this story to remind you that life is precious. Take time to be with those you love and make memories that will last you a lifetime. Go - when you think you're not needed. Be - when you don't have the strength. Love - like there's no tomorrow. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for giving me the “gut feeling” that ultimately led to me being with my Dad for those last moments. Though he would never walk me down the isle, he saw me in my dress and received his invitation. God knew that I needed to be there that day and I am grateful. Father’s Day is this coming Sunday and my Daddy is with our heavenly Father. Happy Father’s Day to you both and to my Paw Paw who gave me a way and who has always been there for me and to Jerry who has also always been there for me. I love you all!
Until tomorrow… Hakuna Matata!
Oh, my heart
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