(The Dames Point Bridge in Jacksonville just a couple minutes from our house)
In case you don't know Jacksonville is HUGE. I grew up in Columbus, Mississippi, and I am pretty sure you could fit a hundred of them in Jacksonville. Seriously, it takes over an hour to drive from one side of town to the other. And lets not forget that it's nicknamed the "River City". Everywhere you look there is water whether it is the St. John's River or the Atlantic Ocean - so cool! It was really cool to have a real mall (actually more like 4 or 5 real malls), a variety of restaurants, the beach and something to do on the weekends other than rent a movie and stay home. The pace of life was much different and I will admit it took me a while to get adjusted. For those who are wondering I only got lost once. I was knew to the whole having to take an interstate just to go to Wal-Mart thing and ended up heading "out of town" one day as I was trying to get home. But, I eventually figured things out and began to enjoy the city life.
We spent a lot of time with Jon's family as they are all very close and I got to know the in-laws a little better. Jon and I made some wonderful new friends (we miss you Joe & Melissa) and I got to meet his old buddies who told me about the "real" Jon Bradberry! Jon took me to all the coolest places.... St. Augustine, Amelia Island and Fernandina Beach to name a few. I even went to Universal Studios for the first time in my life when Melissa and I planned a surprise birthday weekend in Orlando for Jon and Joe. I could go on for days about our time in Jax - maybe another time though.
(The Landing in downtown Jax. I took this picture while cruising in Uncle Vic's boat one day)
So, things were great. We were busy and we were stretched for money but we were happy. Happy that is except Jon was longing to be on staff at a church. In case I haven't mentioned it I married a preacher! Jon surrendered to the call of ministry in 2000 (I think) and graduated with his B.A. in Theology at the Baptist College of Florida. Well, we began to really concentrate on sending out resumes around January 2005 and wouldn't you know that a little ol' church in Mississippi, Columbus to be exact called Jon to be Minster of Youth in April of that same year. So, 9 months after moving to Jax and we were packing again. This time it was Jon's family that was sad. Maybe sometime I will tell you the "faith story" surrounding his calling to our church in Mississippi but for now just know that we did get called to Canaan Baptist Church in Columbus.At this point, I was excited. Having dreamed of being a minister's wife if was finally happening. And a Youth Minister's wife at that - how cool! I love kids and teenagers (probably because I still am one!). We settled into Canaan and quickly had a full plate. I went back to working at Dr. Bennett's office and it was as if I had never left 2 years earlier. Jon and I began to build relationships with our youth and I got involved in every little they'd let me be a part of including choir, teaching and eventually directing Vacation Bible School. God worked out every single detail to bring us to this place. So why did it never feel quite right? Want to know? Come back tomorrow for the current chapter in our story.... Hakuna Matata!
P.S. Yes, I know that this post began in 2004 and somehow ended up in present time. I obviously left out a lot. It would take me years to tell the complete story so remember this is the very abbreviated version!
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