Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend Fun!

This weekend I had a Yard Sale with Jon, my friend Lane, and our friends Rob and Gayla. It was a Saturday only deal so we all worked feverishly on Friday night getting things priced and moving our big items to the yard we were using for the sale. We got up very early Saturday morning set up and our first customer arrived at 5:30 am! Well, I guess all that work tired Jon and Rob out because this is where I found them for part of the morning before our couches sold! Good advertising guys!!!

Later on in the morning my cousin Coleton stopped by and I had to have a little fun with him. He is a huge Alabama fan and we happened to be at some huge Auburn fans' home for our sale, hence the Auburn chair. I chased his speedy little self all over the yard before catching him. I intended to stick him in the chair, but he was trying to get away so this is all I got!
All in all we had a good day... and made about $375 !!!

Hakuna Matata!